FY 2021~2022 onwards
Please chech the conferences in this link

[1] The 8th International Workshop on Far-Infrared Technologies (IW-FIRT2021) , online, March 8-9, 2021. (poster presentation)

[2] 2020年日本物理学会年次大会 (The Japan Physical Society 2020 Annual Meeting), オンライン、2021年3月12-15日. (口頭発表)

[3] American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting 2020, online, March 15-19, 2021. (oral presentation)

[1] The Second Japan – Philippines Terahertz Research Workshop , University of Fukui, Bunkyo, Fukui, Japan. June 14-16, 2019. (invited lecture)

[2] De LaSalle University (DLSU) Physics Professional Learning Community Lecture , DLSU, Philippines. December 11, 2019.(invited)

[3] Philippine-Japan Conference on Photonics and Optical Materials. , National Institute of Physics, University of Philippines, Diliman, Metro Manila, Philippines. December 12-14, 2019. (invited lecture)

[4] The 22nd Workshop on First-principles Electronic Structure Calculations (ASIAN-22). , Osaka University Hall, Osaka, Japan. October 28-30, 2019. (poster presentation)

[1] JPS (The Japan Physical Society) 2018 Autumn Meeting , Doshisha University (Kyotanabe Campus), Kyoto, Japan, September 9-12, 2018. (oral presentation)

[2] 2018 43rd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) , Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya, Japan, September 9-14, 2018. (poster presentation)

[3] Mr. Okubo (B4) presented in JPS (The Japan Physical Society) 2017 Meeting Hokuriku Chapter , Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan, November 24, 2018. (oral presentation)

[4] Dr. Escaño gave a seminar on Quantum simulation of semiconductor-based materials for THz and power device applications, RIKEN, Wako, Japan, February 22, 2019.

[5] The 7th International Workshop on Far-infrared Technologies (IWFIRT2019), University of Fukui, Fukui, Japan, March 5-7, 2019. (oral presentation)

[6] Dr. Escaño gave a invited talk in 4th International Workshop on Quantum Materials Design for Nanotechnology Applications, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka, Japan, March 21-22, 2019.

[1] JPS (The Japan Physical Society) 2017 Autumn Meeting , Iwate University, Iwate, Japan, September 21-24, 2017. (oral presentation)

[2] Mr. Osanai (B4) presented in JPS (The Japan Physical Society) 2017 Meeting Hokuriku Chapter , University of Fukui, Fukui, Japan, November 24, 2017. (oral presentation)

[3] Dr. Escaño visited National Institute of Technology, Akashi, Japan, April 21-22, 2017.

[4] The 42nd Condensed Matter and Materials Meeting , Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, Australia, January 30-February 2, 2018 (oral presentation).

[5] American Physical Society March Meeting 2018 , Los Angeles Convention Center, California, USA, March 5-9, 2018 (oral presentation).

[1] The 6th International Workshop on Far-infrared technologies (IWFIRT2017) and the 2nd International Symposium on Development of High Power Terahertz Science and Technology (DHP-TST2017), University of Fukui, Fukui, Japan, March 7-9, 2017 (poster presentation).

[2] Mr. Bacuyag (D3) presented in The 6th International Workshop n Far-infrared Technologies (IWFIRT2017) and the 2nd International Symposium on Development of High Power Terahertz Science and Technology (DHP-TST2017), University of Fukui, Fukui, Japan, March 7-9, 2017 (poster).

[3] Mr Bacuyag (D3) presented in 1st Philippines-Japan Terahertz Workshop (PJTW2017), De LaSalle University, Philippines, February 20-23, 2017. (oral)

[4] Dr. Escaño gave an invited lecture in 1st Philippines-Japan Terahertz Workshop (PJTW2017), De LaSalle University, Philippines, February 20-23, 2017.

[5] International Conference on Nano-Molecular Electronics (ICNME2016) , Kobe International Convention Center, Kobe, December 14-16, 2016. (oral presentation)

[6] JPS (The Japan Physical Society) 2016 Autumn Meeting , Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan, September 13-16, 2016. (oral presentation)

[7] Dr. Escaño gave an invited lecture in International Workshop on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (IWAMN2016), VNU Vietnam-Japan University, Hanoi, Vietnam, November 3-5, 2016.

[8] Dr. Escaño gave an invited lecture in 8th Asian Computational Materials Design (CMD) Workshop, De LaSalle University, Philippines, September 21-23, 2016.

[9] Dr. Escaño gave an invited lecture in 2016 Japan-Germany Joint Symposium on Advanced Characterization of Nanostructured Materials for Energy and Environment in Hotel Mutterhaus, Düsseldorf, Germany, June 26-30, 2016.

[10] Dr. Escaño visited the National Institute of Technology, Akashi, Japan, April 21-22, 2016.

[1] Dr. Escaño gave an invited lecture in International Workshop on Quantum Engineering Design: Materials Design and Realization in Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, March 24-25, 2016.

[2] Dr. Escaño visited the National Institute of Technology, Akashi, Japan, March 16-17, 2016.

[3] Dr. Escaño presented in NanoIsrael in Smolarz Auditorium, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, February 22-23, 2016.

[4] Dr. Escaño visited Center for Advanced Research of Energy and Materials and gave an invited lecture in Laboratory of Integrated Functional Materials, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, December 10-11, 2015.

[5] Dr. Escaño visited National Institute of Technology, Akashi, Japan, November 27, 2015.

[6] Dr. Escaño participated in 9th NanoSquare Workshop (Tenure-Track Workshop) in Osaka Prefecture University, Osaka, Japan, October 30, 2015.

[7] Dr. Escaño visited Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, October 29, 2015.

[8] The Physical Society of Japan, Autumn Meeting, Kansai University, Osaka, Japan, September 16-19, 2015. (oral presentation)

[9] Dr. Escaño presented in European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-31), Barcelona, Spain, August 30-September 4, 2015. (oral)

[10] Dr. Escaño visited National Institute of Technology, Akashi, Japan, July 17, 2015.

[11] Dr. Escaño visited Osaka University, Japan, July 16.

[12] Outreach : Dr. Escaño participated as a reviewer in Fujishima Super Science High School Mid-term Science Project Presentation in English (藤島SSHの英語による中間報告会), July 13, 2015.

[13] Prof. Notker Roesch (Technological University of Munich, Germany / A*STAR Singapore) visited QS&D Lab/University of Fukui, May 12-13, 2015.

[1] Dr. Escaño presented in The 9th International Conference on Computational Physics. National University of Singapore, Singapore, January 7-11, 2015. (oral)

[2] Dr. Escaño visited Osaka University, Japan, January 5 and 13, 2015.

[3] Dr. Escaño visited Osaka University, Japan, November 24-25, December 13, 2014.

[4] The 7th International Symposium on Surface Science. Kunibiki Messe, Matsue, Shimane, Japan, November 2-6, 2014. (oral presentation)

[5] Dr. Escaño visited Osaka University, Japan, August 19-21,2014.

[6] TechConnect World 2014. Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center, Maryland, USA, June 16-19, 2014. (oral presentation)

[7] Dr. Escaño gave an invited lecture in Workshop on International Research and Education on Computational Materials Design in Asia. Suita Campus, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, June 3, 2014.

[1] Dr. Escaño gave an invited lecture in JSPS Core-to-Core International Workshop of Computational Nano-materials Design on Green Energy. Toyonaka Campus, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan June 1-3, 2014.

[2] Dr. Escaño visited Osaka University, Japan, March 24-28, 2014.

[3] Dr. Escaño visited University of Jena, Ulm University and Technological University of Munich, Germany, March 9-15, 2014.

[4] 10th International Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Expo. Tokyo Big Site, Japan, February 26-28, 2014. (oral and poster)

[5] Dr. Escaño gave an invited lecture in International Symposium on Atomically Controlled Fabrication Technology. Nakanoshima Center, Osaka, Japan. February 5-7, 2014.

[6] The Joint Annual Symposium of the Vacuum Society of Japan and the Surface Science Society of Japan (SVSS'13) and 54th Annual Symposium (ASVSJ-54), International Conference Center EPOCHAL Tsukuba, Japan, November 26-28, 2013. (oral presentation)

[7] 12th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surface and Interfaces, International Conference Center EPOCHAL Tsukuba, japan, November 4-8, 2013. (poster presentation).

[8] Prof. Carl Redshaw (University of Hull, UK) visited QS&D Lab, September 6-8.

[9] Computational Materials Design Conference in Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Center, Awaji City, Japan, June 16-19, 2013. (poster presentation)

[10] Prof. Elöd L. Gyenge (University of British Columbia, Canada) visited QSD Lab, June 8-15.

[11] Dr. Escaño gave an invited lecture in International Workshop on the Theory of Dense Kondo Systems, Nakanoshima Center, Osaka University, Japan, March 19-20,2013.

[12] Prof. Hideaki Kasai (Osaka University) visited QS&D Lab, March 10-11, 2013.

[13] Dr. Escaño presented in FC Academic Forum, Tokyo, Big Site, Japan, February 27-March 1, 2013. (oral and poster presentations)